
What is the negative side of manifestation?

What few people understand is that manifestation works 24/7. It is not something you turn on and off. You manifest the surrounding reality continuously through the images you have in your mind, the emotions you attach to them and the faith you have that a certain event will happen.

Some spiritual gurus go as far as to say everything you have in your life even your biggest sources of pain, you’ve manifested. Based on my experience and study, I agree with them. Your life is a perfect reflection of your thoughts. You’ve manifested both joy and pain, even if you’ve never wanted this to happen.

But how can I say you’ve manifested the pain in your life?

Well, manifestation doesn’t work based on what you consciously want. It works based on what’s in our subconscious mind and the emotion we attach to it.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you are in a bar and you see a member of the opposite sex. This person is very attractive. You want to approach but, in your mind, you’ll be rejected. You imagine how you’ll make a fool of yourself and how everyone will make fun of you.

So, when you finally approach, you have so much negative energy that this person will be put off and feel a need to move away from you. You may not get rejected as bad as in your mind, but it will happen.

It doesn’t matter if your mind says “sure, this will work”, if your heart says, “this will be a disaster”. The universe follows your heart, not your mind.

Let me give you another example. You want to manifest money in your life. You desperately need them. However, when you were growing up, your parents always told you that money is the root of evil. They always made you feel guilty when you asked for money.

Slowly, you’ve associated pain and suffering and guilt with money.

So, what does now happen?

When you get money, your long-attached emotions will come to the surface, and you’ll feel very guilty. You’ll feel well only when you get rid of that money, as being broke or having no money in the state in which you don’t feel negative emotions.

These inner patterns of pain and pleasure you attach to events in your life are not something you decide. They’re there. For example, I hate yogurt because of a bad experience as a child. And I feel guilty each time I feel proud of my accomplishments because my mother used to scold me each time, I was proud of a good grade or a victory as a child.

Hence, what happens then?

My mind says – yes, I attract success. I attract money. And my emotions say “no, success and money are bad, and they make me a bad person”. I send mixed signals to the universe so one of two things will happen.

The first one is that I’ll get my negative outcome because that’s where my heart really lies. If I

see myself as a good person, then a good person can’t be successful so I will manifest what makes me good, failure.

I’ve read something about this in the amazing book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. It goes like this:

“For a person who hates himself to achieve success is just as wrong as for a fair, honest, law-abiding man to steal,”.

If you feel like money is bad, then getting money is the worst sin you can do. It makes you dirty and maybe this is the reason so many try to manifest and always fail. They can’t manifest because, for them, good is getting the opposite of what they’re asking.

The second thing that can usually happen is getting mixed results. This means getting what I want and losing it soon. It means that I’ll engage in self-sabotage to push away the blessings I’ve received from the universe or the universe will create the circumstances to take them away.

It’s like when you want to manifest love in your life and you do. You attract the perfect person. But then you don’t feel worthy of this person’s love so you end up sabotaging yourself, sabotaging the relationship so you can get back to a state where you are comfortable – being alone.

And since the universe is always your co-creator, everything will be the way you want it to be. The universe will give you opportunities to destroy everything because this is what you’ve commanded it to do, through the images in your mind and your emotions.

You manifest absolutely everything in your life, even things that don’t appear in your control. It’s hard to accept but if you want to become a manifestation expert, then you must accept the power of the universe. Just as the universe can align people, places, circumstances to help you get good things, so it does for all negative. If you want it, if you ask for it, it will be given to you and we are not even aware of our most wishes.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is what it is. And the sooner you accept it, the faster you can gain control over your life.

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